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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 6 San Pedro

U10 (8 & 9 years)

Our U10 Division is for 8 & 9 year-olds

This is the first division in which we maintain scores and keep standings, but the focus is still on development -- referees are lenient of minor transgressions. Practices are scheduled by the volunteer coaches for a time and location that works with their availability.

Coaches: U10 Team Coaches and Assistant Coaches must complete a U10 Coach Course.
Game Officials/Referees: U10 Game Officials must complete a Regional Referee Course.

Season length: Our U10 Division runs in the Fall for 12 weeks; September 21st - December 14th (No play Nov. 23rd Thanksgiving Holiday)

Practice Sessions: 1-2 times per week 60 minutes (based on coach availability)

Game length: 50 mins on average (12.5 minute "quarters")

Team Structure: Separate boys and girls teams. Average 9-10 players per team.

Player Uniform and Equipment: Jersey, Shorts, Socks are provided by the the Region with your registration fee. Shoes and shin guards, covered by socks are mandatory at all games. Soccer cleats are highly recommended. 

Ball Size:

Field Location Practice and Games: Field of Dreams - San Pedro 

Register here for the 2024 Fall Season

Game Day

Players on Field: 7 vs. 7  (one of which is the Goalkeeper)

Game Length: 50 Minutes of game time divided by (4) 10 minutes quarters. Half-time break of 5-7 minutes at the end of the 2nd quarter.

Substitutions Breaks: Player substitutions can be made at the end of the 1st quarter, halftime, or the end of the 3rd quarter. Running clock, time does not stop for substitutions between quarters. (1-minute time allotment for substitution breaks between quarters)

3/4 Play Rule: All players must play 3/4 of every game. Coaches will rotate players in/out at the "Substitution Breaks" described above.

The same player can play goalkeeper a maximum of 2-quarters. 

Player Equipment: 
Player must wear shoes and shin guards covered by socks and must be worn to all practices and games. Soccer cleats are recommended.

Game Card: 
Each coach will have a game card filled out before the game and ready for the referee. Click here for information on how to properly fill out a game card.

Coaches and Assistant Coaches are to remain the touchline and in their designated areas. 

One - three volunteer referees will be assigned to the game based on availability.

Game Equipment: Game balls shall be provided by the home team.  Please ensure all (3) balls are properly inflated prior to start of game.

Game Day- Additional Information: 

Home Team sits on West (Gaffey) or South (SP Smokestack) sideline. Visitors sit on the opposite side. Home team is listed first on the schedule.

  • 1st game of the day responsible for field setup, including pushing out goals & setting up corner flags (please arrive 45 minutes early); last game of the day responsible for tear down. Pushing goals to fence line, gathering corner flags, picking up trash.
  • 9-12 years is the golden age for learning and the perfect age to increase focus on specific techniques and skills. It is the time for growth and learning!
  •  Players must play 3/4 of each game.
  • Referee: AYSO certified Regional Referees or higher are required for 10U and older games. The referee should briefly explain any infringements to the player(s) and encourage proper play and sporting behavior. As with all games, every effort should be made to keep the game moving and free from stoppages for doubtful infractions. Let them play and enjoy.
  • Assistant Referees/Club Linesmen: If available, qualified assistant referees who have completed Regional Referee Certification may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new assistant referees to begin getting experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (untrained volunteers who may be affiliated with one of the teams/clubs) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved.
  • The Start of Play: The game should be started with a kick-off in the middle of the field.

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals
  • Ball In and Out of Play: The ball is out of play in all age group games when it completely crosses the touch line (side line) or goal line (end line), either on the ground or in the air.

  • Method of Scoring: A goal, in all age groups, is awarded when the ball completely crosses the goal line into the goal.

  • Fouls: For U10 and older games, all fouls identified in Law 12 apply. Refer to the Laws of the Game for more information. 

  • Misconduct: Misconduct should still be relatively rare in U10 games. Coaches at all levels of play have the option of calling players to the touchline to receive words of 'positive instruction' concerning player's behavior. 

  • Free Kicks: Free kicks, in U10 and older games, may be either direct (may score directly), or indirect (must be touched or played by another player before a goal can be scored). Opponents must be at least eight yards from the ball or on the goal line between the goal posts during free kicks.

  • Penalty Kicks: Penalty kicks may be awarded in U10 and older games. A penalty kick results from a player committing one of the ten direct free kick fouls inside his/her own penalty area. The penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark with all other players outside the penalty area except the opposing teams goalkeeper.

  • Throw-In: Second chances are not given for improper throw-ins for U10 and older players. An improper throw-in results in a throw-in for the opposing team. 

  • Goal Kick: A goal kick is awarded to the opposing team, in 10U and older, when the attacking team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but without scoring a goal. The goal kick may be taken from any point inside the goal area. The goal kick is retaken if the ball is touched or played by either team before leaving the penalty area.

  • Goalkeepers: No player should play more than 2-quarters in the goal. Pinnies will be available at the RC tent.

  • Goalkeeper Punts: For U10, the goalkeeper shall not punt the ball. An indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the offense if a goalkeeper deliberately punts the ball during a match. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team's goal area must be taken on the goal area line at the point nearest to where the goalkeeper punted the ball.

  • Corner Kick: A corner kick is awarded to the opposing team when the defending team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. The opposing team must be at least eight yards from the ball when the corner kick is taken in 10U games.
  • Offside: The offside law applies in U10 and older games.

  • Handling the Ball: A handling infraction occurs when a player handles the ball deliberately. The 'hand' includes the entire arm up to the top of the shoulder. Accidental contact (ball striking hand or arm with no intent by the player) is not an offense and should not be penalized.
  • Headers - NO HEADING. If a player intentionally heads a ball, the result is an Indirect Free Kick for the opposing team. If the player did NOT intentionally head the ball and it was accidental, the call is a dropped ball for the team who touched the ball prior to the ball hitting the player in the head. 

  • Substitutions: Between periods, at halftime and for injuries.

  • Playing Time: Minimum of 3/4 per game and no player should play four periods until everyone has played three.
  • Build-Out Line: The build-out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting. 

Is it okay to challenge or harass the referee?


Being vocally critical of the Referee is not allowed at AYSO games -it's not ok for coaches, spectators or players - for any reason - at any time. Referees are VOLUNTEERS who are doing their best to provide a fun and fair experience for our children, and they really don't need spectator assistance. Being a Referee means you are constantly making judgement calls - and it's 100% their call to make.

It is reasonable to want your child/team to have a great experience. It is not reasonable or helpful for you to 'assist' by shouting at the Referee during a game. It's upsetting to the players, other parents, the volunteer referee, and it DOES NOT HELP. Solution: the Referee Administrator welcomes a discussion of your concerns AFTER the game, in a private setting. Your concerns will be listened to and addressed.

Referee Questions or Concerns?

You can reach out to our Region Referee Administrator, Rob Jensen, at: [email protected]

Volunteer with us

AYSO Region 6 is 100% run by volunteers. We need your help to make our season successful. 
Here are some ways to get involved:
Volunteer Coach - can't have teams without coaches! 
Team Parent - help get your team organized!
Referees -keep our games safe, fair, and fun!
Board Member - help us manage and organize our Region 
Division Coordinators - help us streamline communication to our coaches
Field Prep
Parking Lot Monitors 
Field Monitors
And more...

In AYSO Region 6, we want all players, coaches, families, and volunteers to have fun! That’s where AYSO Kids Zone comes in. Kids Zone is a special program that encourages all in attendance, from the sidelines to the field, to use positive language, demonstrate good sportsmanship, and create a great experience and positive environment for every player. Kids Zone is a reminder that the AYSO soccer fields are a safe, friendly, happy, place for children to play and experience the joy of soccer without fear of judgement. Take the Pledge! When Regions participate in The Kids Zone program, we ask that they have helpful reminders, including buttons, signage, and t-shirts on the field, to reinforce that no matter how intense the game can be, kids need encouraging support from the sidelines.

Parents and spectators are asked to follow the pledge below and agree to the following guidelines:
1. Kids are #1!
2. Fun – not winning – is everything
3. Practice proper physical distancing
4. Set a proper example of sportsmanship
5. Players Play, Fans cheer and Coaches coach
6. Respect the volunteer referees…we couldn’t do it without them!
7. No yelling, swearing or abusive behavior
8. No weapons, alcohol, tobacco or drugs
9. No dogs
10. Leave no trash behind
11. Celebrate the player – win or lose

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 6

PO BOX 6637 
San Pedro, California 90734

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 866-890-9989
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